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Energy security is a European issue, which arose in the context of the war in Ukraine. On the other hand, the energy sector is also shaped by the EU's internal ambitions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One solution comes from the Black Sea, with the Neptun Deep gas project.

The latest edition of NEW ECONOMY, moderated by Adrian Măniuțiu and Daniel Apostol, Director General of Oil and Gas Employers FederationThe conference, which focused on the role of natural gas in the current geopolitical context and Romania's contribution to the EU's energy security through the development of the Neptune Deep.

Sorin Elisei. Natural gas helps us overcome the obstacles of transition.

Dialogue with Sorin Elisei, Director General in Ministry of Energy, revolved around the role of natural gas in the EU's energy supply and how Romania can ensure its own energy transition and become a pillar of stability.

Romanian gas, both onshore and in the Black Sea, is one of Romania's most important assets and represents an important support for the country's supply. Natural gas is also compatible with or even supports new technologies such as hydrogen, biogas and biomethane. Romanian resources are therefore an important vector for the energy transition, coexisting with renewable resources.

One of the most important aspects is that the Black Sea is a mature project, close to the moment of start-up and, therefore, of demonstrating the benefits.

Raluca Covrig. New technologies are the future of energy

Raluca Covrig, The Director of Public Affairs and Communication of the Oil and Gas Employers' Federation said that the future of energy also sounds good thanks to new technologies developed by oil and gas companies.

Among the 2 promising technologies for a cleaner but energy sufficient future are CCS (capture, transport, storage and even use of carbon dioxide), which helps keep industry competitive and achieve decarbonisation targets. Another renewable source is geothermal energy, with important benefits in case of closed loop operation.

Corneliu Bodea. Romania must play the Black Sea gas card in the new European context.

Natural gas is important for balancing the energy system, the electricity produced from it can be used to balance fluctuations in renewable energy. This is why natural gas remains an opportunity, especially since, at European level, as the Corneliu Bodea, CEO Adrem and President CRE, we fight emissions, not fossil fuels.

In Europe, we do not have the option of giving up the energy transition, but natural gas is considered a transitional fuel and, together with renewable resources such as hydropower, will make Romanian energy ever greener.

Romania must see the transition as an opportunity for cheaper and cleaner energy. How does our country support the energy transition? The first pillar is important natural resources such as Black Sea gas. Another important pillar - the experience and capacity of companies to implement new technologies, for decarbonising the economy or for green energy production.

"For Romania, Black Sea gas is essential in this transition process to replace coal-fired power plants."

Sorin Elisei - Director General, Ministry of Energy

"The role of Neptun Deep and the Black Sea in Romania is essential for the future. Because the future of energy relies on the gas transition element."

Raluca Covrig - Director Public Affairs and Communication, FPPG

"I believe that, at least for a while, as already recognised in EU documents, but also in Romania's energy strategy, the role of gas could be extremely important."

Corneliu Bodea - CEO Adrem / Chairman CRE

NEW ECONOMY is a series of dialogues with energy sector specialists from authorities and ministries on the transformations triggered by the energy transition. These are technological as well as economic changes, the imposition of higher and more costly environmental standards, and the possibility or impossibility of maintaining the competitiveness of certain industries. Adrian Măniuțiu and his guests bring all this to the public's attention in a series that aims to inform, educate and demolish myths in order to make the transition easier to understand, accept and overcome for the citizens of Romania.

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