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Now, at the end of 2024, we talk - very briefly - about how the big projects in Romanian energy evolved in 2024. This is not an exhaustive article, as it lacks descriptions of the transformations in the hydro sector, the Iernut power plant which, although it has once again exceeded its commissioning deadline, has made progress, biofuel projects, etc. But 2025 begins in a few days, when, we hope, we will be able to talk about the launch of new projects that will make Romania a leader in energy.

We report below on changes that are propelling important energy projects forward and are important steps towards their completion.

MINTIA has become a Project of National Importance
In 2024, the Mintia project, worth €1.2 billion, has advanced significantly, becoming of national importance. As a reminder, this coal-fired power plant is being modernized, switching to natural gas.

Background note issued by the Ministry of Energy described the progress of this project: "The Mintia power plant will have a lifetime of 30 years, with an estimated production of about 12,159 GWh/year.

The Mintia power plant will be equipped as follows:

- 2 identical gas turbines (TG) Siemens 9000 HL, with unit generator power of 600MWe;

- 2 recovery boilers (CR) without additional combustion to produce superheated steam for the steam turbine;

- 1 Siemens SST5-5000 condensing steam turbine (CT) with 570MWe unit generator power.

The Mintia power plant will be built in two stages:

  1. Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT).
  2. Combined cycle gas turbine combined cycle with gas turbines, recovery boilers and steam turbine (CCGT)."

Earlier, in 2022, the Ministry of Energy declared the "Natural gas transmission pipeline to feed CET Mintia (including power supply, cathodic protection and fiber optics)" as a project of national importance. In Background note for this component states that "The modernization of the Mintia power plant has an important role in the national energy system because:

  • balances the electricity balance in the center and west of the country;
  • is an important point of interconnection with the Western European UCTE system;
  • participates in regulating the operating parameters of the national energy system;
  • reducing emissions and supporting renewable energy production;
  • the possibility of balancing the national energy system through the Mintia investment;
  • increased investment in industry.

The biggest energy project since the Revolution. Investments for Units 3 and 4 at Cernavodă


The legislative sources for granting the status of project of national importance in the field of electricity are the following:

  • Emergency Ordinance 134/2024
  • Article 6 of Emergency Ordinance No 57/2007 ("The establishment of a protected natural area shall take precedence over all other objectives, except those relating to: a)ensuring national security.")
  • Article 476(1)(e) of Law No 227/2015 on the Tax Code((1) The following shall be exempt from the fee for the issuance of certificates, permits and authorizations: planning certificates and building permits for works of national, county or local public interest.)

In other words, due to their importance for the national interest and public utility, such projects have a special status under Romanian tax and environmental legislation.

The biggest energy project since the Revolution. Investments for Units 3 and 4 at Cernavodă


Under UN Climate Change Conference, COP 29In the framework of the signing of the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) contract, LNTP phase, for the development of Units 3 and 4 of the Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant, representatives of Nuclearelectrica and Energonuclear (the project company) signed the contract. The event marked a critical milestone, achieved together with international partners, in strengthening energy security through the production of energy in high quantities, without carbon emissions.

The two new reactors will mean:

  • additional installed power of over 1400MW at Cernavodă;
  • increase annual energy production in Romania by over 11 million MWh;
  • an operating life of at least 30 years;
  • 000 well-paid jobs.

Thus, Units 3 and 4 will be able to cover the equivalent annual consumption for more than 7 million households in Romania", said Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja.

The partner in this important investment is a consortium of companies from the US, Canada and Italy. The construction of reactors 3 and 4 at Cernavodă will cost more than €8 billion and is expected to be completed in 2031 and 2032 respectively. It will use the same CANDU technology for the reactors, owned by Atkins Realis, as the first two already installed. (according to


NEPTUN DEEP - spectacular advance to 2024

The Neptun Deep perimeter in the Black Sea covers an area of 7,500 km² and lies about 160 km offshore, in waters between 100 and 1,000 meters deep.

Since 2008, exploration activities in the Neptun Deep perimeter have included two 3D seismic acquisition campaigns and two exploration drilling programs.

The first gas discovery took place in 2012, when the Domino-1 well, Romania's first deep-water exploration well, confirmed the presence of natural gas.

The commercial field development involves an infrastructure including 10 wells, 3 subsea production systems and associated gathering pipelines, an offshore platform, the main gas pipeline to Tuzla and a gas metering station. The entire infrastructure will be operated remotely, via a digital twin, to improve environmental performance by improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions.

OMV Petrom S.A. and S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A. will invest up to €4 billion for the development phase of the project.

In October 2024, OMV Petrom announced start of construction works for the steel support structure of the production platform ("jacket"), which is being made at Saipem's Arbatax yard in Sardinia.

In November 2024, Transocean Barents, the mobile offshore drilling unit, arrived in Constanta, Romania. To ensure a safe journey, the rig went through months of preparation before departing Cartagena, Spain.

Currently, according to OMV Petrom, work is underway on several aspects: from regulation and contracting to execution and drilling.

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